@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

Jumlah Posyandu dan Posbindu

{{-- {!! Form::select('induk_opd_id',$induk_opd_arr,"",['class'=>'form-control daerah', 'form'=>'storeForm','required'=>'required','placeholder'=>'Pilih SKPD', 'id'=>'induk_opd']) !!} --}}


--}} {{--

DataTables has most features enabled by default, so all you need to do to use it with your own tables is to call the construction function: $().DataTable();.

--}} {{-- @csrf

@if(Auth::user()->downloadFile('sub_kegiatan', Session::get('year')))
@csrf downloadFile('sub_kegiatan', Session::get('year'))->status == 1 ?"disabled":""}} class="form-control" placeholder="upload PDF file"> @else
@csrf @endif @if(Auth::user()->hasFile('sub_kegiatan', Session::get('year')) && Auth::user()->downloadFile('sub_kegiatan', Session::get('year'))->file_name != "-") Download pdf file @endif Report

@role('Pihak Wajib Pajak') @endrole {{-- --}} @foreach ($unit_kerja as $item) @php $persen = ( ($item->Posyandu->pratama ?? 0) + ($item->Posyandu->madya ?? 0) + ($item->Posyandu->purnama ?? 0) + ($item->Posyandu->mandiri ?? 0)); @endphp {{-- --}} @role("Pihak Wajib Pajak") @endrole @endforeach
Puskesmas Strata Posyandu Posyandu Aktif Jumlah Posbindu PTMAction
Pratama Madya Purnama Mandiri Total
Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah %
{{$item->nama}} {{$item->Posyandu->pratama ?? 0}} {{($item->Posyandu->pratama ?? 0) > 0?number_format((($item->Posyandu->pratama ?? 0)/$persen)*100, '2'):0}}% {{($item->Posyandu->madya ?? 0)}} {{ ($item->Posyandu->madya ?? 0) > 0?number_format((($item->Posyandu->madya ?? 0)/($persen))*100, '2'):0}}% {{$item->Posyandu->purnama ?? 0}} {{ ($item->Posyandu->purnama ?? 0) > 0?number_format((($item->Posyandu->purnama ?? 0)/($persen))*100, '2'):0}}% {{$item->Posyandu->mandiri ?? 0}} {{ ($item->Posyandu->mandiri ?? 0) > 0?number_format((($item->Posyandu->mandiri ?? 0)/($persen))*100, '2'):0}}% {{ ($item->Posyandu->pratama ?? 0) + ($item->Posyandu->madya ?? 0) + ($item->Posyandu->purnama ?? 0) + ($item->Posyandu->mandiri ?? 0)}} {{ $item->Posyandu->aktif ?? 0}} {{ ($item->Posyandu->aktif ?? 0) > 0?number_format(( ($item->Posyandu->aktif ?? 0)/($persen))*100, '2'): 0}}% {{$item->Posyandu->posbindu ?? 0}}
@push('scripts') @endpush @push('scripts') @endpush @endsection