@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
DataTables has most features enabled by
default, so all you need to do to use it with your own tables is to call
the construction function: $().DataTable();
No | Kecamatan | @role('Admin|superadmin')Puskesmas | @endrole @role('Puskesmas|Pihak Wajib Pajak')Desa | @endrole0-4 TAHUN | 5-6 TAHUN | 7-14 TAHUN | 15-59 TAHUN | ≥ 60 TAHUN | TOTAL | @role('Admin|superadmin')Lock data | Lock upload | File Download | Detail Desa | @endrole||||||||
L | P | L | P | L | P | L | P | L | P | L | P | ||||||||||
{{ $key + 1 }} | {{ $item->kecamatan }} | {{ $item->nama }} | @php $l_0_4 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'l_0_4')['total']; $Grand_l_0_4 += $l_0_4; echo $l_0_4; @endphp | @php $p_0_4 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'p_0_4')['total']; $Grand_p_0_4 += $p_0_4; echo $p_0_4; @endphp | @php $l_5_6 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'l_5_6')['total']; $Grand_l_5_6 += $l_5_6; echo $l_5_6; @endphp | @php $p_5_6 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'p_5_6')['total']; $Grand_p_5_6 += $p_5_6; echo $p_5_6; @endphp | @php $l_7_14 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'l_7_14')['total']; $Grand_l_7_14 += $l_7_14; echo $l_7_14; @endphp | @php $p_7_14 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'p_7_14')['total']; $Grand_p_7_14 += $p_7_14; echo $p_7_14; @endphp | @php $l_15_59 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'l_15_59')['total']; $Grand_l_15_59 += $l_15_59; echo $l_15_59; @endphp | @php $p_15_59 = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'p_15_59')['total']; $Grand_p_15_59 += $p_15_59; echo $p_15_59; @endphp | @php $l_60_up = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'l_60_up')['total']; $Grand_l_60_up += $l_60_up; echo $l_60_up; @endphp | @php $p_60_up = $item->unitKerjaAmbilPart2('filterTable85', Session::get('year'), 'p_60_up')['total']; $Grand_p_60_up += $p_60_up; echo $p_60_up; @endphp | @php $l_total = $l_0_4 + $l_5_6 + $l_7_14 + $l_15_59 + $l_60_up; $Grand_l_total += $l_total; echo $l_total; @endphp | @php $p_total = $p_0_4 + $p_5_6 + $p_7_14 + $p_15_59 + $p_60_up; $Grand_p_total += $p_total; echo $p_total; @endphp | general_lock_get2(Session::get('year'), 'filterTable85') == 1 ? "checked":""}} class="data-lock" id="{{$item->id}}"> | @if(isset($item->user) && $item->user->downloadFile('Table85', Session::get('year')))user->downloadFile('Table85', Session::get('year'))->status == 1 ? "checked":""}} class="data-lock-upload" id="{{$item->user->id}}"> | @elseif(isset($item->user) && !$item->user->downloadFile('Table85', Session::get('year')))@else | - | @endif @if(isset($item->user) && $item->user->hasFile('Table85', Session::get('year')))@if($item->user->downloadFile('Table85', Session::get('year'))->file_name != "-") Download pdf file @else - @endif | @else- | @endif|
{{ $key + 1 }} | {{ $item->UnitKerja->kecamatan }} | {{ $item->nama }} | @php $l_0_4 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->l_0_4; $Grand_l_0_4 += $l_0_4; @endphp | @php $p_0_4 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->p_0_4; $Grand_p_0_4 += $p_0_4; @endphp | @php $l_5_6 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->l_5_6; $Grand_l_5_6 += $l_5_6; @endphp | @php $p_5_6 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->p_5_6; $Grand_p_5_6 += $p_5_6; @endphp | @php $l_7_14 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->l_7_14; $Grand_l_7_14 += $l_7_14; @endphp | @php $p_7_14 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->p_7_14; $Grand_p_7_14 += $p_7_14; @endphp | @php $l_15_59 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->l_15_59; $Grand_l_15_59 += $l_15_59; @endphp | @php $p_15_59 = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->p_15_59; $Grand_p_15_59 += $p_15_59; @endphp | @php $l_60_up = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->l_60_up; $Grand_l_60_up += $l_60_up; @endphp | @php $p_60_up = $item ->filterTable85( Session::get('year'), $item->id, ) ->p_60_up; $Grand_p_60_up += $p_60_up; @endphp | @php $l_total = $l_0_4 + $l_5_6 + $l_7_14 + $l_15_59 + $l_60_up; $Grand_l_total += $l_total; echo $l_total; @endphp | @php $p_total = $p_0_4 + $p_5_6 + $p_7_14 + $p_15_59 + $p_60_up; $Grand_p_total += $p_total; echo $p_total; @endphp | |||||||
Jumlah | {{ $Grand_l_0_4 }} | {{ $Grand_p_0_4 }} | {{ $Grand_l_5_6 }} | {{ $Grand_p_5_6 }} | {{ $Grand_l_7_14 }} | {{ $Grand_p_7_14 }} | {{ $Grand_l_15_59 }} | {{ $Grand_p_15_59 }} | {{ $Grand_l_60_up }} | {{ $Grand_p_60_up }} | {{ $Grand_l_total }} | {{ $Grand_p_total }} |